Thursday, December 31, 2015

Bad beat story 325

I know that no poker player likes a bad beat story, but I feel compelled to share this. While it wasn't Dylan, when you hear how this guy played his hand, you'll understand why I think that he could have been taught by Dylan.

It is still early in a deepstack texas holdem poker tournament. We're nine handed, and everybody has approximately 120 big blinds. The play has been pretty tight. The standard raise of 3 BBs is enough to take down more than half the pots before the flop, and we have yet to see a 3 bet.

In early position I pick up aces and make a standard raise. It folds around to king donkey. He raises the minimum, so I 3 bet 30 BBs. He calls instantly. The flop is Q, 9, 3, rainbow. I lead out with a half pot size bet. He snap calls, again. The turn is a king of spades, putting two spades on board--my aces are both red. I go all in, with just slightly more chips than me, and after going into the tank for what seemed to be an eternity. Eventually he exclaims, "I guess I have to call you." and calls. I bet you can't guess what he turns over? Two fours. I was literally stunned. I was half expecting the flush draw, but even if he had given me 10 guesses I never would have put him on fours. Well, this is a bad beat story, so you have already guessed what the river was... Of course, the river was a four, and my dream of winning the tourney was destroyed.

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